AGS Retreat
18-20 September 2015
Providence Renewal Centre
3005 - 119 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
AGS is once again hosting its Annual Retreat & Board Meeting on 18–20 September 2015 at the Providence Renewal Centre in Edmonton, AB.
The Retreat Committee is extending an invitation to the AGS Executive, AGS Board/Branches and AGS Committee Chairs (or delegate) to join us, at AGS expense. It is an all-inclusive facility that has dorm-style accommodations (single rooms with a bathroom in the hallway) and 3 meals a day. There are also suites with two beds and a bathroom if you would like to share a room with someone.
View the program schedule of what is being offered
from Friday evening to noon on Sunday. You may notice that
we have modified the format somewhat from last year's style, but are still
keeping the Saturday morning sessions 'branch/discussion'
A new idea was suggested that we try to provide more time
for the Board Meeting this year by conducting it over two days. The more formal
Board Meeting would commence at 1p.m. Saturday and conclude
at Noon on Sunday. This new format is on a trial basis only, as
feedback from 2014 supported our original vision of the Retreat being an
opportunity to conduct some of the AGS business in an informal discussion,
branch centered style.
The rationale for the change is that feedback from last year
also supported the idea that too much business was being crammed into a short
time slot making the Meeting too rushed and hectic. Also, it was felt that some
repetition was created where good ideas generated earlier needed to be
revisited and made into motions which could only be done during the meeting,
taking up valuable time.
So please bear with us for this year and consider your preference
for either the old and/or the new, letting us know at any time how you wish to
see us plan for the Retreat in 2016! We continually strive to keep this
experience worthwhile and informative but also relaxing and innovative.
Feedback and suggestions are always welcome, helping us plan towards this
We are operating within a budget, but there is enough money
to extend the invitation to the Branch President or representative
and one guest from each Branch (in addition to the AGS
Executive and Committee Chairs as mentioned above). Attendees within the
city are invited to attend all sessions and meals and to submit a special
request if you would like accommodations.
This year, Shirley Keller, the new AGS Bookkeeper, will
be in attendance and to present the Financial Report to the Board Meeting, in
place of Jock Howard, VP of Finance, who is unable to attend. This is an
excellent opportunity for Branch Treasurers to attend (as a guest) if they are
able, to meet Shirley and for the Branch to get firsthand information about AGS
and branch financial requirements since working under the new auditors.
There are a few requests/conditions from the Finance
- if a branch member registers and doesn’t show, the branch is responsible for payment (accommodation, room fee & meals — a 2012 Executive Meeting motion, or the branch may charge the individual, a branch decision)
- only one allotted travel reimbursement per branch will be reimbursed to cover travel expense of the President/Director and the invited guest
So please let me know as soon as it is possible who/numbers (submit names) from each branch
and/or other AGS Executive position
or Committee is/are attending & what meals and accommodations are required
for each person.
Information needed from each attendee:
- Your Name & Branch and/or AGS Position
- What nights you will need rooms: Fri and/or Sat. night and single room or shared suite?
- Meals (no meals available on Friday evening):
- Saturday—Breakfast, lunch & supper?
- Sunday—Breakfast, lunch?
- What meetings you are attending (please check attached schedule):
- Friday night—Social?
- Saturday 9 a.m.—Branch Reports & John Althouse Sessions?
- Saturday 1 p.m.—AGS Board Meeting (commencement)?
- Saturday Evening (7 p.m.)—PAA speaker?
- Sunday 9 a.m.—AGS Board Meeting (continuation & conclusion)?
This is your initial invitation. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I expect that some branches have members still away on holidays, but please have the discussions and let me know as soon as you can.
Please bring your
AGS blue fabric name-tags or another recycled name-tag.
Thank You for giving this your attention. Please
find the 2015 Retreat Schedule attached.
Maxine Maxwell
AGS Retreat Committee Chair